Thursday, 14 November 2013

2017 City of Culture Bid

The delegation are in Londonderry for the presentation phase.  Hopefully, it's first on as the best candidate on which to judge the rest of the bids against.  Fingers and toes crossed all round for a positive outcome.

But does it really matter?

Yes, it brings an injection of money at a time when funding for seemingly non-essential activity is at a premium.  But would it make a difference to how we see our city?  Do we need the recognition from outsiders to believe in ourselves?  Do we really need someone else to hold up a mirror before we accept that the ugly duckling is turning into a swan?

For all the kudos it will bring in some quarters, it will also increase the Frankie Boyle type jokes ...City of Kulture they'll say with a sneer, and what will that do to our fragile city ego?  Are we getting enough confidence to laugh at the jokes - seeing them as nothing more than an out of date stereotype?

I hope so, because if we don't win, it really shouldn't matter.  Dundee's on the up.  The intelligent theatre productions, the Literary Festival and Salons, the Science Festival, the festivals and exhibitions of all kinds, the community productions, the community spirit ... These have taken root.  By the people, for the people.  Who cares what anyone else thinks.

In 2017 or any other year - WE believe we are a City of Culture.

BBC Bid Summaries